
FortySeven Bank - Connecting Financial Worlds

Investments in ICO FortySeven

  • About FortySeven platform
  • Tasks and benefits
  • Project development plan
  • Development team
  • Our partners
  • Conditions of participation in ICO
Why "FortySeven" ?? Yes, because here the name speaks for itself, that the platform is born, which has plans to create a comfortable and safe bank, uniting all other institutions connected with crypto-currencies! The next plot is that it will be a system licensed by the authorities, which will work strictly according to the established plans! This institution specializes exclusively in digital money, namely crypto-currencies and focuses on sales and purchases, investments, exchange and preservation of funds. One of the bright products of the platform is a multi-activity service, which gives an opportunity to access various accounts of the banking sector, that is, to purses. In addition, this feature will allow processing any operations with the crypto currency. The FortySeven platform fully integrates into the technology of blocking,while interacting with smart contracts and API keys. The system presents some of the best cryptoproducts in investment issues, namely bonds, futures and options.
Now do you understand what will happen in the near future? FortySeven wants to lead the market globally!And it will be able to perform any operations with respect to different crypto-currencies, so the platform will be implemented in many systems. By the way, the company is territorially located in the UK and the government of this country has quite favorable conditions in the issues of crypto-currencies and various digital assets. The fact is that it is this country that opens access to the large sector of the foreign currency from all transactions in the world! This is power! Although this was already enough in the news and it was often said that it was London that was the strongest place in the development of cryptographic banking services!
FortySeven has already managed to demonstrate significant success in various developments in the field of financial crypto technologies. All banking institutions in their time also comply with the set conditions, therefore, harmony prevails in the system, all the more so since all processes are legally approved. 
This technological ecosystem offers to solve a variety of issues and financial transactions associated with blocking and crypto-currencies. The fewer potential problems, the higher the confidence level of the investor.And this story makes everyone be calm. In the dense world of crypto-currencies, this particular nuance will affect security and openness, unlike the traditional system of finance and investment, inclusive! In the meantime, the Bank will be a clear indicator that the Crypto currency can fully be at the level of trust relative to ordinary money. And this is the strongest reason for most people to move into this sector! All are frightened and in misunderstanding from what news broadcast and it is possible to understand certainly, as the crypto-currency market is still far from attuned and there are many holes that need to be eliminated. 
Developers of FortySeven believe that the crypto currency will become the world currency, thanks to which most of the payments will become very convenient, profitable and safe for everyone. And based on this, the platform will have its own bank, which will have the most important role in the world of digital money. And this bank can even be used as an arbitrator when there were any problems related to the ICO, and why the platform began to work actively with various legal counseling centers. As we see, market capitalization has increased seven to eight times and this means that the crypto currency has a crazy potential that will need decent banking services to fully integrate these processes into the ecosystem for overall prosperity!
Blocking is the basis of the FortySeven platform, which combines all the best advantages for all users, connected in one way or another with crypto and currency. It is like a connecting mechanism between two financial worlds.Who could have thought that the finances would be divided, it's just incredible! And for such a grandiose incarnation, the team uses the latest technology, namely smart contracts. The developers have tried with all their heart to create a convenient, demanded and reliable service. Here you will see, thanks to such competent unification of two financial industries, customers of stationary banks and active crypto users will appreciate the FortySeven system. The most important thing is that the algorithm of all transactions on the platform meets all the basic regulatory requirements and "taste"various services of the bank can be absolutely all private individuals, including even employees of different companies. And thanks to this principle, the process will be supported by the full support of various crypto-currencies, and the use of the Multy Asset Account service will provide access to various purses on which it is possible to store the crypto currency itself.
Yes, my friends. As soon as the blockade began to be introduced into our life, a concrete shift in the other direction occurred in the world. ICO projects began to appear, in which a lot of interesting and promising material is laid. But there are so many of these platforms that sometimes it's not easy to figure out where the prospect will be, but where fraud or emptiness lies. To this question, one should carefully approach and understand, and even more so invest. The most important thing in selecting an ICO is to find the usefulness of this or that project and ask yourself the question - is it really going to help people? And it is Forty Seven that solves issues of a different level and brings clarity and understanding to the entire financial system, which will be established at the root of its scale and integration among a large number of people. In fact for today that we see,

Tasks and advantages of the platform:

The construction of a unique system of financial services is one of the main missions of the founders of the FortySeven Bank project. Services and products are primarily intended for individuals, people engaged in business and investment, as well as for developers and traders themselves. Now, thanks to this service, it will be easier to manage your funds, namely, to invest, sell, or exchange.
What products does FortySeven Bank offer?
The European Economic Union opens the possibility for participants to open a multi-currency account and issue a multi-currency card. These tools will allow you to manage accounts that were activated earlier in any of the banks. Using this method, customers can take all the necessary actions to manage their own accounts via an interface or a mobile application. All transactions conducted with tokens, namely, calculations and conversions can be performed using bank cards, only in those places where I accept cards. All the details on the operations inside the interface were created taking into account the special directive PSD2. This all was created in order to simply manage the main accounts, on one condition that the opening of these accounts took place in a bank in the territory of Europe. All that is needed for this, so it's easy to specify the account number and confirm the access permissions. Once all the conditions are met, then immediately accessible from FortySeven.And if we talk about the authorization procedure, then it is carried out remotely. The biometric data is the basis of this whole exercise. Anyone who wants to visit the official site of the centralized platform can become partners of the bank. All complete identification of a person is carried out in real time. After the identification is completed, an account appears and at the same time the opportunity to work with the crypto currency. The bank card is sent by usual transfer. In the process you will get acquainted with the interface, which is very convenient at the time of use, containing all the necessary analytical data. Data, in turn, helps participants to easily navigate the financial market. All the necessary and valuable information on how to effectively manage the funds can be found on the main portal of the platform. As a result, customers can now plan the acquisition of expensive items and effectively manage their budget, where there will be a guarantee of support by various tips and recommendations. All full-fledged work with crypto currency is carried out in the stock exchange built into the application. There are absolutely no delays and this is an essential advantage.The commission, in turn, is not so high. In any pair, the conversion is carried out, which is very convenient! Even without all these problems, it is possible to translate crypto currency into Fiat without much difficulty. Then the funds are sent to the specified account or bank card.Also, was provided with another comfortable tool that works with the system together, so it's SWIFT. Thanks to this method it is possible to make payments with crypto currency in a protected form. Now we definitely understand that the FortySeven Bank service is a serious and large-scale shift in the financial environment ..
Developers making reliance on the banking sector and on the crypto-currency area have developed a platform with only the best technologies. Let's figure it out .. 
1) Provision by the bank, a flexible and transparent API document (it is this key that covers the greater part of Forty Seven) Also all unique applications were created on the basis of the API. And this way of development, the developers will attract more and more large partners, so this ecosystem guarantees efficiency.
2) Smart contracts. All financial processes can easily be automated and will provide an opportunity to carry out all transactions in a secure transaction: there is no entrance to scammers, the provision of credit funds. All training technology will be integrated automatically, which will allow creating a special account that promptly processes all customer actions. In the matter of changing financial flows, a virtual assistant will help.Accounts will be opened through remote biometric technologies. The smartphone will give you access to the applications. Due to such innovations, the security of personal data will significantly increase. And in general, the whole banking sector will be improved due to the technologies of Blocking.
The founders of such a global platform as Forty Seven Bank are infinitely proud that this company will play a major role in the restructuring of the entire economy. All amateurs of crypto-currency, as well as simply users will truly appreciate all the advantages that are implemented thanks to Blochein.
All users can easily store crypto currency in special purses, and also check their balance, receive or send digital money. If necessary, users can always request a history of transactions / transactions. Also, many other special tools are integrated into the Forty Seven Bank platform for full-fledged servicing of various other crypto-currencies. With all, while the public keys are kept in complete safety. But about the security of important data, users of this service will not have to ..
Other important elements on the Forty Seven Bank platform
1) Systemic crypto-currency gateway
2) Improvement of the payment scheme of various crypto-currencies
3) Availability of black and white lists for more fruitful cooperation with other users.
4) The ability to verify the reliability of data (exclusively for individuals)
From now on, thanks to these properties, the issue of resolving the stability of current prices will be closed.
All business processes will be automated at the expense of smart contracts. Smart contracts, in turn, can be used to link business processes with different operating organizations. Contracts of this type can be used to translate certain company data, for example:
- Processing over a certain part of the planned work
- Confirmation of safety
- Payment of services by the consent of the client
- Quality of service
By the way, the proof that the above events really happened are in various public blocks. And if necessary, anyone can open it for verification. In the process of implementing the final part of the smart contract, Forty Seven Bank will provide the maximum degree of trust between organizations that have decided to combine their business processes. But to satisfy the final part of the smart contract, the service monitors the conduct of transfers between users and customers of the system.
Let us now discuss the quality of the operations performed
All analytical and operational functions are performed automatically (to avoid fraudulent intrusion). For example, if the transaction is performed correctly, the system will not have any questions to it. But if the operation is characterized as harmful, then the process is under the sights of the study by specialists. There is a significant advantage from this method - it is the verification of colossal volumes of information. To tell the truth, even the most experienced specialist is not able to achieve such indicators in the course of his activity.You should understand that fraudulent transactions are usually closely interrelated in space and also in time. For their detection, special automated programs are ideally suited.
Multi-account FS Bank for users with a card is one of the main products of this service. Authentication and identification are based on passport information. This option has a number of following details, namely a unique combination of payment tools (Swift transfers), debit and credit card design, work with electronic purse.Based on this, the client can work, the client gets the opportunity to work with all types of coins inside the banking application. By the way, the service parameters can be converted. We also have a convenient and intuitive interface that allows us to make the right decisions to all customers. The basis of their lies on certain types of algorithms.
Let's discuss now the basic advantages of this platform.They are worthy of your attention, so the experts worked hard to fool around:
1) Absolutely open access to Forty Seven Bank
2) Crypto currency and personal savings, you can manage directly inside the platform, since these assets are in your personal wallet, in your anonymous locker.
3) Preliminary, users can evaluate the outcome of the conversion to the normal one and vice versa
4) Debit and credit systems are available for registration to all participants.
5) The call for technical support is also available so that the user can successfully operate
6) Affordable object insurance option directly on the platform itself.
7) The presence of a smart ATM, a kind of intelligent customer support system. This service was invented in case the user has hot questions, to which the robot is momentarily responsible for the benefit of help.
What are the opportunities for individuals using the platform?
1) Beautiful and convenient interface, namely virtual banking.
2) Extensive application for managing customer accounts.
If we talk about the management of accounts, it can be carried out in various financial institutions, without the need to enter an account number, but only to confirm consent to access. After that, the client will be available all the necessary information, namely authorization and authentication.
In order to become a client of a virtual bank, it is necessary to visit the official website and download a special application. After the stage of identification of participants in real time, which rejects the need to visit the branch of the financial institution. As soon as the participant has registered, for him a whole list of tools for working with crypto-currency and payment cards and the help of the financial analyst are available. The expert will help you determine the range of fundraising for planning large purchases. Thus, the user will be able to smoothly carry out independent management of their operations, namely, sell or buy crypto currency, tokens ..
Let's now talk about the benefit of the project in favor of financiers and developers ..
The developers of Forty Seven Bank are ready to offer users a wide range of opportunities for banks of partners and software developers, namely: the ability to maintain accounting, as well as the use of financial services provided through API. Access to API keys can be used to develop and integrate modern services based on the already created infrastructure. If we talk about independent developers, they can create unique applications. They greatly expand the capabilities of the virtual bank .. They can in turn be useful tools such as DevDays, through which you can develop products that access through the API. There is also an active planning of educational programs, various courses for holders of tokens.
A partner operating under its own brand, has the opportunity to quickly launch any selected services for its audience. At the same time, changes in the infrastructure will not be necessary at all. All that is needed is to change the order of some procedures and obtain licenses from certain regulatory agencies of banks. and presentations of various financial applications. Due to this, an infrastructure is created that unites all application creators with Internet Bank users. The application, created at the request of customers, will help create a stable source of profit for autonomous financial service providers, powerful software. 

Project development plan

Q4 2016 - Active development of the concept and project plan for FortySeven Bank
Q2 2017 - Preparation and launch of crowd-framing through the event of the creation of tokens 
Q1 2018 - Successful completion of the event. Running FSBT on exchanges
Q2 2018 - Extending the Software Infrastructure
Q3 2018 - Integration with the SWIFT system
Q4 2018 - Obtaining licenses. Permit for activity. Running services for FSBT tokens
Q1 2019 - Submission of documents for obtaining a banking license
Q4 2019 - Obtaining a banking license. Beginning of the provision of full-scale banking services.

A team of leading developers and advisers:

Our general partners:

Conditions of participation in ICO

Let's talk about the token .. Forty Seven Token
This crypto currency is specially issued to provide its owners with a decent place in the Internet Bank. Owners of tokens in turn can participate in this Forty Seven program. Active members of the bank can be encouraged to accrue bonuses in the form of FSBT tokens. Smart contracts set emission for coins. Tokens, in turn, are necessary for participants to improve financial performance while using bank smart contracts. If we talk about individuals, then they crypto currency FSBT provides a lot of open doors in the application of services, various products of Forty Seven Bank. Thanks to this, you can also take a leading position in the loyalty program. After kraudfanding is over, the company will begin trading tokens on all kinds of exchanges.
The FSBT Token is also called the "cornerstone" among the entire sphere of the banking sector.
A system of interconnected smart contracts will ensure control over emissions
Total tokens will be produced: 11,063,829 FSBT
Price per one token FSBT = 0.00428 ETH
Softcap = 3,600 ETH
Hardcap = 36,000 ETH
Accepted currency for buying tokens: BTC, ETH
End date ICO = 31/03/2018 

In my opinion, the currency is quite promising and it will bring a global revolution to the financial centralized system. I will invest and recommend to you!
More information about the platform itself can be found here ..
ETHadress: 0x9d2504a72f915145a07c9f8011a7134a02af58c1


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